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École Lumsden Elementary School 

École Lumsden Elementary School
200 2nd Avenue West
Lumsden, SK S0G 3C0
Telephone (306) 731-3338 or 731-2297
Fax (306) 731-3243


École Lumsden Elementary School, located in the beautiful town of Lumsden, Saskatchewan, is a modern, inviting learning facility offering a full range of curricular options to students from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 8. ÉLES is located at 200 Broad St and is situated in close proximity to Lumsden High School (Grades 9-12). ÉLES is a dual track school, with approximately 608 students, offering French Immersion to grades K-8 and English Track programming to grades PK-8.

 ÉLES has a teaching staff of 30, and a total staff of 44 people, who work very hard every day to offer a high-quality learning experience to our children. Band, Practical and Applied Arts, and Core French are included in curricular offerings. A wide range of extra-curricular activities and clubs are also available for students to choose from.

 ÉLES, nestled in the Qu'Appelle Valley, provides to students, the experience of exploring the outdoors, connecting with the environment, and learning in a valley setting – our "outdoor classroom".              

For more information visit their website at:



Lumsden High School
300 Broad Street, Lumsden
Box 449, Lumsden, SK S0G 3C0

Telephone (306) 731-2262
Fax (306) 731-2494

Lumsden High School is a grade 9-12 facility with full service programming and a wide variety of electives offered based on student interest.  Students from Lumsden, Regina Beach, Bethune, Craven, Grand Coulee, Pense, Deer Valley and surrounding rural areas all attend Lumsden High School.  For the 2024-25 school year we have an approximate enrollment of 401 students in both English and French Immersion programming.  We have great support for our programs from our SCC and community partners; The 2024 Lumsden High School graduates obtained in excess of $87,692.92  in local and university scholarships. 


Lumsden High has a strong, proud tradition of excellence in extra-curricular activities. Student Council, Band, Drama, Yearbook clubs are balanced by a vast array of athletics. Volleyball and Basketball as well as Football, Badminton, Curling, Cross-Country running, Golf, Track are options for perspective student athletes.  All students at LHS have opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities.

Links to colleges and universities in the area include:

University of Regina
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology (SIAST)
Carlton Trail Regional College