Make a Payment


The Town of Lumsden offers many options for paying taxes, utilities or other invoices, such as:

  1. Banking Online:Set up the Town of Lumsden as a “payee”. Be sure to search “Lumsden” and choose “Lumsden, Saskatchewan”. Choose “Tax” or “Utilities”. Enter your account number, roll number or invoice number.  If you are making a one-time payment such as;
    1. Taxes and Utilities Bills - 0000000 (Tax Roll # or Utility Account#)
    2. Swimming lessons – use account number 1111 1111 1111
    3. Development and Building Fees – use account number 2222 (+Permit #)
    4. Facility Rental Deposit Fees – use account number 5555 5555 5555
    5. General Office Fees (LAFOIP Fees) – use account number  8888 8888 8888
    6. Event Fees  – use account number 9999 9999 9999 (Scarecrow Vendor Fees, Duck Derby Donations)
    7. Accounts Receivable Invoices - use account number 7777 7777 7777
  2. OptionPay: A secure way to pay using your credit card (fees apply). Click  HERE to be taken to the OptionPay page. Fees for OptionPay – Click Here
  3. Pay at the Bank: Bring your tax notice or utility bill with you and pay at your financial institution.
  4. Interac/Debit: Available by attending the municipal office during business hours.
  5. Drop a cheque in the mail slot: Located 300 James St N. beside our main office doors is a secure mail-drop slot.
  6. Mail your payment: You may also mail your payment to PO Box 160, Lumsden SK  S0G 3C0.
  7. Pre-Authorized Debit: The Town can withdraw funds from your account for taxes and/or utility payments. For more information or to sign up, call (306) 731-2404 and click here: Fillable - Pre-Authorization Agreement

Etransfer not available at this time.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Where do I find my Tax Roll Number? Top left corner of your Tax Notice.

How many digits do I need for my account number?


Conexus Credit Union, CIBC, TD Bank and RBC require 12 digits to be entered for your account number.

Add zero’s to the beginning of your account number until you reach 12 digits.  000001234 010


RBC requires 12 digits.

CIBC requires 11 digits.

Add zero’s to the beginning of your account number until reach the correct amount of digits.  000000123000