Wastewater Treatment Facility

How does the Town of Lumsden treat sewage waste? Read more about the state-of-the-art wastewater treatment facility and how solar arrays provide it power.

How does it work?

"In the BNR (Biological Nutrient Removal) process, microorganisms including bacteria and protists use the sewage as a food source. They are provided with air/oxygen. They breakdown the waste which reduces BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) in future phases of the treatment. This oxygen is used by nitrogenous bacteria to convert NH3 to NO2 or NO3 (different Nitrogen compounds). This is the aerobic phase. Then, the oxygen (aeration pumps) is turned off, and the system becomes anaerobic, so a new set of microorganisms take over. They use the oxygen from the NO2 and NO3 and release N2 into the air. Phosphates are also used by the microorganisms and are quite effectively removed from the liquid stream. The result is a liquid stream product that has much lower contamination than our permit requirements from the WSA (Water Security Agency). Bacteria are killed using UV lights because our permit does not allow for any chlorine to be discharged into the Qu'Appelle River. The operators have been using some alum to further reduce phosphorus contamination, on occasion.

The solid stream effluent is collected after the liquids are decanted from the SBRs (Batch Reactors). The effluent has a great deal of water, which is removed with centrifuges and drum thickeners. A contractor picks up the solids and deals with them in a manner that protects the environment, but they are not dealt with in Lumsden as was the original plan."

Councillor Rhonda Phillips, 2024

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Business Elite Canada Magazine - Town of Lumsden & Wastewater Treatment Facility Project


Town of Lumsden News Release

Friday, April 22, 2022

Today, the Town of Lumsden celebrated the completion of its new wastewater treatment facilities and its associated solar project – and thanked all involved in making these infrastructure initiatives a reality.

Following design and site preparation, ground was broken for construction of the wastewater treatment plant in the spring of 2019.

The new and modern wastewater treatment plant uses a process involving biological nutrient removal in sequencing batch reactors and ultraviolet disinfection. This transforms the Town of Lumsden’s wastewater into treated effluent. Solid byproducts from this treatment process are concentrated, digested, dewatered and dealt with in an environmentally benign manner.

The plant can treat wastewater for about 2,500 people and can expand to serve more than double the Town of Lumsden’s current population. Stantec Consulting designed the facility and Graham Construction and Engineering built it. The new infrastructure helps better protect the environment and replaces the existing sewage lagoon system, which was unable to expand to accommodate population growth.

The approximately $21 million Lumsden Wastewater Treatment Facility Project was funded under the New Building Canada Fund with the Government of Canada and the Government of Saskatchewan each contributing more than $6.7 million toward the infrastructure. The Town of Lumsden funded the remainder of the project, which was commissioned in fall of 2021.

Work on a related Lumsden Solar Project at four municipal locations began in the summer of 2020.

Now complete is a solar array near the wastewater plant on the eastside of Lumsden that can produce 616 Kilowatts of electricity that can be saved to a 1.2 Megawatt battery energy storage system. This helps power the treatment process of the new wastewater plant. Work is also complete to allow solar power to run the main sewage lift station. MiEnergy designed this solar system and worked with Graham Construction to have it installed and integrated into the wastewater treatment facilities process.

Work is also completed on solar infrastructure for the Lumsden Recycling Centre. The remaining solar infrastructure for the south sewage lift station is expected to be completed later this year.

The entire solar project is approximately $2.7 million with the Government Canada funding up to $1.1 million under the Low Carbon Economy Fund and the Town of Lumsden funding the remainder.

“The Town of Lumsden’s Solar Project and the modernization of its wastewater treatment facilities demonstrate that the transition to a low-carbon economy is an opportunity to couple economic development and environmental stewardship. Working collaboratively with our provincial and municipal partners in Saskatchewan and across the country, our Government will continue to invest to improve Canadians’ quality of life and build healthier, more resilient communities,” said The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities.

 “Communities across Canada like Lumsden are confronting the climate crisis head on, finding ways of managing the risks it poses to our health, economy, security and biodiversity. Our Government launched the Low Carbon Economy Fund to get behind community leaders who are trying to build a sustainable low-carbon economy. This is a team effort. Bravo to the leadership shown by the Town of Lumsden, Saskatchewan, to do your part in helping to reduce polluting emissions and build a resilient community,” said the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change.

“The Government of Saskatchewan is proud of its more than $6.7 million investment toward the completion of the Town of Lumsden’s Wastewater Treatment Facility Project. This new infrastructure will help protect the environment, support growth, and contribute to an even stronger Saskatchewan,” said Mr. Travis Keisig, MLA for Last Mountain-Touchwood, on behalf of the Hon. Don McMorris, Saskatchewan’s Minister of Government Relations.

“Thanks to funding from the federal and provincial governments, along with the expertise of our contractors and the hard work of our facility operators, the Town of Lumsden now has a new and modern wastewater treatment facility and solar power infrastructure. These infrastructure initiatives help protect the Qu’Appelle River, its many users, the environment, lowers our carbon footprint, and positions our community for future growth and prosperity. Today’s official grand opening is a wonderful way to celebrate Earth Day,” said His Worship Bryan Matheson, Mayor of the Town of Lumsden.

Town of Lumsden Mayor Bryan Matheson (left) and Town of Lumsden Councillor Rhonda Phillips (right) cutting the ribbon at the Official Grand Opening Ceremony of the new Wastewater Treatment Facility and Solar Project.

Town of Lumsden Councillor Rhonda Phillips who was the Master of Ceremonies for the Official Grand Opening.


Lumsden Community Members/Residents

Interested community members/residents are welcome at the Grand Opening of the Lumsden Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Solar Projects

When:  Friday, April 22, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. appropriately on EARTH DAY!

Where:  New Wastewater Treatment Plant, 300 Qu’Appelle Drive East, Lumsden Saskatchewan

Click Here for google map directions

What:  There will be an outdoor speaking program to recognize those who have funded the projects and those who were involved in its successful completion, followed by a ribbon cutting, the opportunity for tours and detailed explanations.


Wastewater Treatment Facilities Project May 2021 Update

Lumsden’s new Wastewater Treatment system is a fantastic step forward. Sewage treatment capacity in Lumsden is being increased while at the same time addressing environmental impact, air quality and greenhouse gas emissions.

 Lift Station

Sewage from throughout Lumsden is pumped from this new lift station on 2nd Avenue, east to the Wastewater Treatment Facility

 Headworks Building

The sewage first arrives at the headworks building which houses a grit removal system.


The new plant treats the sewage. The sequencing batch reactors reduce biochemical oxygen demand, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in the liquid effluent. Soon, the UV disinfection system will be operating and the liquids will be removed from the plant. The treatment of the solid stream will also be started up soon.


The solar array to the north will provide a large portion of the electricity required to run the new facility. The panels are in place. Cables are being laid and the battery equipment is expected to arrive before summer.


The biofilter cleans the air from the headworks building and plant so that no odours or undesirable gases are released.

 Click Here for August 26 Project Update  

 May 22, 2020

Lift Station

The big hole on 2nd Avenue gives access to remove old sewage infrastructure and replace it with new.

Contractors are accessing the old infrastructure under 2nd Avenue.  New piping will go in the ground and a new Lift Station will be constructed.

Outfall Structure

Rip rap of large boulders and matting protect the bank of the Qu’Appelle River.

 Wastewater Treatment Building

Brickwork continues on the outside of the Wastewater Treatment Building.

Headworks Building

Brick work is finished on the outside of the Headworks Building and the scaffolding has been taken down.

 June 2019:

Celebration of Construction at New Wastewater Facility.


 March 2019:

The Town of Lumsden has signed the contract with Graham Construction to build the Wastewater Treatment Facility in Lumsden.

 FALL 2018:

The Town of Lumsden has broken ground on a new Wastewater Treatment Facility, to replace the existing lagoons. The road and facility site have been leveled and are ready for work to commence in the spring!